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RESIST THE BORG! Going along to get along is ASSIMILATION!


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Allowed In Service Areas!


The Hotel Bravo Mushroom Garden!

(Visit Amnesty International's Home Page!)
All the Scientists AND OTHERS, who have, made the touch down on EROS possible, are incredible heroes, whose work may one day lead to the literal salvation of the Planet before we completely poison or incinerate it!

(The thing is, WE don't know when the next killer asteroid is due or exactly how to deal with it, but we DO KNOW about how long it will take the damage WE have already done/are already doing OURSELVES, to kill us even if we start today to reverse it!

Unless we listen to the so-called Scientists working for industry that The Presidnet listens to who would apparnetly sell their own Grandmothers for a time share ocean view...and who's great grandchildren will be living there when the shore line in Miami moves to Tampa and questions about RECOUNTS become forever moot!)

"Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate!"
The United States of America abruptly and dramaticly ended World War II in August, 1945, with the explosion of two atomic devices in populated cities in Japan. For some, it was long desired relief. For others, it was the beginning of nightmare. And for many, it was a new reason to feel confused.

Dudley was raised a WASP, by WASPs, to expect to inherit WASP birthrights. According to popular myth, Dudley might not have been born if the Atomic Bomb had not been dropped in Japan, because his father, finished with his tour in Europe, was due to be shipped to the Pacific, but those in charge of US decision making knew Japan would not need to be invaded, because Japan had been trying to surrender since May.

All the carpet bombing had been more than effective, but dickering continued over whether or not Japan would be allowed to keep their Emperor and top heavy form of government that decided things for its subjected people, rather than in subordination to the will of the Japanese people...the sort of IDEAL SYSTEM OF FREEDOM many citizens of the US hope someday our nation will provide to all its citizens and model for The World, as soon as we ditch those bigots who think there should be different levels of justice for people accoring to how well connected they are, and who see foriegn peoples as subhumans whose concerns don't deserve our ear or justice of any kind, whose dead we no longer bother to count in fear US public popularity for murdering them should wan.

"Let all the souls here, rest in peace,
for we shall not repeat the evil."
--inscription on Hiroshima Memorial

August is "How To Stop Worrying and Learn To Love The Bomb Month" at Hotel Bravo!

Enjoy a hot bath, a soothing cup of herbal tea, and a lifestyle that is more healthy.
As you lie back in soothing hot oils in a tub with the above recommended Web Site as your links to a whole new World of knowledge and light some scented candles! ... Chill Out!

Stuff your face with some really good fudge if you prefer!!

Put on some groovy tunes!

"The best Golfer in The World is a Black Man!
The best Rapper in The World is a White Man.
It is the end of The World!"
--Chris Rock, Mid 2001 (Paraphrase)

"The greatest enemy of the truth is not the lie--deliberate, contrived, and dishonest--but the myth--persistent, pervasive, and unrealistic."
--John F. Kennedy


["SETI" | NASA Headquarters | Mars Exploration | Robotics Vehicle Group | NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory | SPACE CALENDAR | International Space Station | See the International Space Station from your Driveway! | Planetary Society | National Space Society | CHAOS Theory | Chance of Impact | "NEAR" | Bob Ballard's Black Sea Exp. Updates]


"Natural Selection?"